In this page you will see client sessions I have previously had the pleasure of photographing. All clients have either paid for these sessions or were free but still signed a contract allowing photos release! I do ask that YOU please do not download these images or copyright them. Statement is also written below at the bottom of the page.

Graduation - Senior Portaits
Senior Graduates I have had the honor of taking photos of.

This was my Engagement Sessions from back in February 2022. This lovely couples story is wild! We were supposed to go to two locations, but the first was closed upon arrival. So we were heading to the second location which is in these photos, and me and the client took a wrong turn. It was a very quick session that went from 1 hour of photographing down to only being maybe 25 minutes long max. At the end of the day though, I got awesome pictures as seen here and they loved them!

Holiday Events
These are Events that I have been invited to photograph at during the holiday seasons. If interested and needing a photographer, please go book me and we can discuss the needs. To book go to "Contact Form" Page.

Pricing & Times
Pricing & Times for photoshoots in Arizona. Phootosity Photography AZ.